Duty to Report

The Duty to Report clause in the Children and Family Services Act applies to any person who has information, confidential or privileged,  or not, indicating a child is in need of protective services including professionals, officials, family members, neighbours, and any person living in the province. It is a criminal offence not to report a concern and can result in fines of $2,000, jail time up to 6 months, or both.

There is a duty on professionals and officials to report abuse, and not reporting these concerns can result in even higher fines, higher jail time, or both.

Reports can be made to local child protection agencies:

    • Mi’kmaw Family and Children’s Services – Cape Breton – 1-800-263-8300
    • Mi’kmaw Family and Children’s Services – Mainland Nova Scotia – 1-800-263-8686
    • Department of Community Services – 1-866-922-2434

Making false reports knowing the information is untrue or out of malice (with the intention of causing harm or pain to someone) is also punishable by law.